“Rescued By Love” is the ultimate story of restoration. Unfortunately, childhood trauma is
becoming a lot more common. However, not everyone can heal from it. Childhood trauma in
any form has the potential to leave us feeling broken, abandoned, and rejected. We must
understand that God loves us unconditionally. Once we are adopted into His family His love
covers us. Rescued by love is a true testimony of Jesus’ love for us. It doesn’t matter what has
happened or how far away from God we may feel. He still loves us enough to rescue us. When
your innocence is stolen from you, God understands, therefore, He extends grace. You
do not have to stay bound by the darkness of your past. Allow CJ to shed light on how Jesus
rescued her and allow Him to do the same for you. CJ and Pastor Rick candidly share their
experiences along with their deliverance, in hopes of helping others to heal from their
childhood trauma. If you need Jesus to rescue you, this book is definitely for you.
Our Focus
Helping SRA survivors break out of the darkness of hopelessness and find lasting healing through Jesus Christ.(
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." PSALM 147:3)
Rescued By Love is the Website of Pastors Rick & CJ Moyer.
We first launched the Website to give information about the Book we have written that describe CJ’s miraculous transformation, from deaths door, to new life.
Rescued By love Has become a ministry dedicated to helping those who have experienced Satanic Ritual Abuse and other forms of Demonic activity.
It is our goal to offer people:
That Jesus can save and heal even the worst traumas that our enemy can conceive.
As people walk out their journey with God to healing.
That resources really area available. We are thrilled to share the resources and tools we have learned on our journey to healing.
Pastor CJ is a survivor of high level Satanic Ritualistic Abuse. She lived for the first 40 years of her life in hopeless existence. Life kept moving from bad to worse. As a child, few believed her when she would report of her abusive childhood. As an adult, virtually no one had a grid for the levels of trauma and abuse she had experienced. All of these facts left CJ feeling alone, broken beyond repair, and like no one could or would every understand her. Then the Lord stepped in.
Our Book, Rescued By Love - Breaking Out of Darkness to Receiving Hope & Restoration,
tells the miraculous story the Lord lead Pastor CJ’s through.
Today, Rescued By Love is a ministry for those who have experienced the devastation of Rape, Sexual abuse, Molestation, Torture, Mind Control, and demonic trauma, just to name a few. And for those who are walking along side of survivors to love and support them. It is our goal to offer hope, companionship, guidance and share the resources we have learned as people walk into their healing. The journey to climb a mountain is always easier with someone who has climbed that mountain before.
Many times CJ lamented that she wished she knew someone who knew what she was going through without having to explain all the traumatic details. Our ministry attempts to be that guide and friend.